home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- var plugins = app.plugIns;
- var nPlugins = plugins.length;
- var annotsPresent = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < nPlugins; i++)
- if (plugins[i].name.toLowerCase() == "annots")
- annotsPresent = true;
- if (annotsPresent)
- {
- var strsToExport =[
- ];
- for(var n = 0; n < strsToExport.length; n++)
- {
- var strID = strsToExport[n];
- eval(strID + " = " + app.getString("Annots", strID).toSource());
- }
- console.println(IDS_ANNOTS_JS_BUILTIN);
- /* for debugging */
- function debugExcept(e)
- {
- if((typeof app._DEBUG != "undefined") && app._DEBUG)
- console.println(e)
- }
- /* Sort methods */
- ANSB_None = 0;
- ANSB_Page = 1;
- ANSB_Seq = 2;
- ANSB_Author = 3;
- ANSB_ModDate = 4;
- ANSB_Type = 5;
- ANFB_ShouldPrint = 0;
- ANFB_ShouldView = 1;
- ANFB_ShouldEdit = 2;
- ANFB_ShouldAppearInPanel = 3;
- ANFB_ShouldSummarize = 4;
- ANFB_ShouldExport = 5;
- ANFB_ShouldNone = 6;
- /* Field to summary functions by property name */
- ANsums =
- [
- /* None */ function(a){return "*None*";},
- /* Page */ function(a){return IDS_SUM_PAGE1+a.doc.getPageLabel(a.page)+IDS_SUM_PAGE2;},
- /* Sequence */ function(a){return IDS_SUM_SEQ1+a.seqNum+IDS_SUM_SEQ2;},
- /* Author */ function(a){return IDS_SUM_AUTHOR1+a.author+IDS_SUM_AUTHOR2;},
- /* ModDate */ function(a){
- var d = a.modDate;
- return IDS_SUM_DATE1+ (d ? util.printd(2, a.modDate) : IDS_DATE_INDETERMINATE )+IDS_SUM_DATE2;
- },
- /* Type */ function(a){return IDS_SUM_TYPE1+a.uiType+IDS_SUM_TYPE2;},
- ];
- /* Order of summary fields */
- ANsumorder = [ ANSB_Page, ANSB_Seq, ANSB_Author, ANSB_ModDate, ANSB_Type ];
- /* binary insertion into sorted list */
- function binsert(a, m)
- {
- var nStart = 0, nEnd = a.length - 1;
- while(nStart < nEnd)
- {
- var nMid = Math.floor((nStart + nEnd) / 2);
- if(m.toString() < a[nMid].toString())
- nEnd = nMid - 1;
- else
- nStart = nMid + 1;
- }
- if((nStart < a.length) && (m.toString() >= a[nStart].toString()))
- a.splice(nStart + 1, 0, m);
- else
- a.splice(nStart, 0, m);
- }
- /* perform a worst case n log ( n ) sort with status */
- function isort(a, status)
- {
- var i;
- var aNew = new Array();
- if(status)
- {
- app.thermometer.begin();
- app.thermometer.duration = a.length;
- app.thermometer.text = status;
- }
- for(i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
- {
- if(status)
- app.thermometer.value = i;
- binsert(aNew, a[i]);
- }
- if(status)
- app.thermometer.end();
- return aNew;
- }
- function ANsummarize(doc, title, p, r, dest, fs)
- { /* Summarize annotations sorted primarily by property p */
- app.thermometer.begin();
- app.thermometer.text = IDS_PROGRESS_SUMMARIZE;
- if(!ANsums[p])
- p = ANSB_Page;
- if(!title)
- title = IDS_UNNAMED;
- /* make sure we have all annots */
- this.syncAnnotScan();
- /* Get all summarizable annots on all pages sorted in the given manner */
- var a = doc.getAnnots(-1, p, r, ANFB_ShouldSummarize);
- var t, s;
- var r = new Report();
- r.style = "NoteTitle";
- r.size = 3;
- t = IDS_SUM_TITLE1 + title + IDS_SUM_TITLE2;
- r.writeText(t);
- r.divide(3.5);
- var i, j, contents;
- var oldHeading;
- if(a && a.length > 0)
- {
- app.thermometer.duration = a.length;
- for(i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
- {
- app.thermometer.value = i;
- // maybe do the heading
- r.style = "NoteTitle";
- r.size = 2;
- var heading = (ANsums[p])(a[i]);
- if(heading != oldHeading)
- {
- if(typeof oldHeading != "undefined")
- r.writeText(" ");
- r.writeText(heading);
- oldHeading = heading;
- r.divide();
- }
- for(j = 0; j < ANsumorder.length; j++)
- if(ANsumorder[j] != p)
- {
- r.size = 1;
- r.writeText((ANsums[ANsumorder[j]])(a[i]));
- }
- var contents = a[i].contents;
- if(contents)
- {
- r.style = "DefaultNoteText";
- r.size = 1;
- r.indent();
- r.writeText(contents);
- r.writeText(" ");
- r.outdent();
- }
- else
- r.writeText(" ");
- }
- }
- else
- r.writeText(IDS_SUM_NO_ANNOTS1 + title + IDS_SUM_NO_ANNOTS2);
- if (typeof dest != "undefined")
- r.save(dest, fs);
- else
- r.open(t);
- app.thermometer.end();
- return a ? a.length : 0;
- }
- }
- if(typeof Collab != "undefined")
- {
- /* flags used by collaboration
- */
- CBFNiceTableName = 1;
- CBFNiceDBName = 2;
- CBFDBPerDoc = 4;
- function CBgetTableDesc(doc, author)
- {
- var frag = Collab.URL2PathFragment(doc.URL);
- var DBName;
- var tableName;
- if(doc.collabDBFlags & CBFDBPerDoc)
- {
- DBName = frag;
- tableName = author;
- }
- else
- {
- DBName = "";
- tableName = frag;
- }
- if(doc.collabDBFlags & CBFNiceTableName)
- tableName = Collab.hashString(tableName);
- if(doc.collabDBFlags & CBFNiceDBName)
- DBName = Collab.hashString(DBName);
- return {DBName: doc.collabDBRoot + DBName,
- tableName: tableName,
- URL: doc.URL,
- user: author,
- flags: doc.collabDBFlags};
- }
- function CBgetTableConnect(desc)
- {
- var e;
- try
- {
- var conn = ADBC.newConnection(desc.DBName);
- var stmt = conn.newStatement();
- return {conn: conn,
- stmt: stmt,
- tableName: desc.tableName,
- user: desc.user,
- flags: desc.flags};
- }
- catch(e) { debugExcept(e); return false; }
- }
- function CBgetInfo(conn, name)
- {
- var e;
- try
- {
- conn.stmt.execute("select CONTENTS from \"" + conn.tableName + "\" where AUTHOR like ?;",
- "~" + name + "~");
- conn.stmt.nextRow();
- return conn.stmt.getColumn("CONTENTS").value;
- }
- catch(e) { debugExcept(e); return false; }
- }
- function CBsetInfo(conn, name, value)
- {
- var e;
- /* add the field */
- try { return conn.stmt.execute("insert into \"" + conn.tableName + "\" (AUTHOR, CONTENTS) values (?, ?);",
- "~" + name + "~",
- value); }
- catch(e) { debugExcept(e); return false; }
- }
- function CBcreateTable(desc)
- {
- var e;
- try
- {
- var conn = ADBC.newConnection(desc.DBName);
- var stmt = conn ? conn.newStatement() : null;
- /* come up with the SQL query to do it */
- var sql1 = "create table \"" + desc.tableName + "\" (AUTHOR varchar(64), PAGE integer, NAME varchar(64), CONTENTS text, DATA image);";
- var sql2 = "create table \"" + desc.tableName + "\" (AUTHOR varchar(64), PAGE integer, NAME varchar(64), CONTENTS clob, DATA blob);";
- var conn = {conn: conn,
- stmt: stmt,
- tableName: desc.tableName,
- user: desc.user,
- flags: desc.flags};
- // first try...
- try
- {
- stmt.execute(sql1);
- } catch(e) { debugExcept(e); }
- // second try...
- try
- {
- stmt.execute(sql2);
- } catch(e) { debugExcept(e); }
- // these will throw if the table wasn't created
- CBsetInfo(conn, "URL", desc.URL);
- CBsetInfo(conn, "creator", desc.user);
- return conn;
- }
- /* we failed... */
- catch(e) { debugExcept(e); return false; }
- }
- function CBconnect(desc, bDoNotCreate)
- {
- var conn = CBgetTableConnect(desc);
- var e;
- /* if we can't get the URL from it, it doesn't exist */
- if(!CBgetInfo(conn, "URL"))
- {
- if (!bDoNotCreate)
- conn = CBcreateTable(desc);
- else
- return false;
- }
- /* here it is! */
- return conn;
- }
- /* mapping of annot types to data properties */
- CBannotdata =
- {
- FileAttachment: "FSCosObj",
- Sound: "SCosObj"
- };
- /* returns the data fork for an annot */
- function CBannotData(annot)
- {
- var prop = CBannotdata[annot.type];
- var stm = prop ? Collab.cosObj2Stream(annot[prop]) : null;
- if(stm)
- return stm;
- }
- /* sets the data fork of an annot */
- function CBannotSetData(annot, data)
- {
- var prop = CBannotdata[annot.type];
- if(prop)
- annot[prop] = data;
- }
- /* recursive function that deletes a reply chain */
- function CBDeleteReplyChain(disc)
- {
- var replies = Discussions.getDiscussions(disc);
- if (replies && (replies.length == 1))
- {
- var currentReply = replies[0];
- var looper = 1;
- while (looper)
- {
- /*
- ** There better only be one reply
- */
- var saveChild = Discussions.getDiscussions(currentReply);
- // console.println("Delete reply");
- currentReply.Delete();
- if (saveChild && (saveChild.length == 1))
- currentReply = saveChild[0];
- else
- looper = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /* gets the reply chain, stuffs it in a stream */
- /* and then puts it in the annot */
- function CBGetReplyChain(dstAnnot, discussion)
- {
- var discList = Discussions.getDiscussions(discussion);
- var cos = Collab.newWrStreamToCosObj();
- var data = 0;
- while (discList && (discList.length > 0))
- {
- data = 1;
- cos.write(discList[0].Text);
- // console.println("Write to cos stream " + discList[0].Text.length + " characters");
- discList = Discussions.getDiscussions(discList[0]);
- }
- if (data == 1)
- CBannotSetData(dstAnnot, cos.getCosObj());
- }
- /* get the stream and puts the data as replies */
- function CBPutReplyChain(discussion, bookmark, srcAnnot)
- {
- var cosStream = CBannotData(srcAnnot);
- if(cosStream)
- {
- var s = cosStream.read(Collab.wdBlockSize);
- while (discussion && (s.length > 0))
- {
- discussion = Discussions.addDiscussion(discussion, "Data", s, bookmark);
- s = null;
- s = cosStream.read(Collab.wdBlockSize);
- }
- }
- }
- /* ADBC based annot enumerator constructor
- */
- function ADBCAnnotEnumerator(parent, sorted)
- {
- /* store away parameters */
- this.parent = parent;
- this.sorted = sorted;
- /* add enumeration method */
- this.next = function()
- {
- var e;
- try
- {
- if(!this.conn)
- {
- this.conn = CBconnect(this.parent.desc, true);
- this.conn.stmt.execute("select CONTENTS from \"" + this.parent.desc.tableName + "\" where AUTHOR not like '~%~'" +
- (this.sorted ? " order by PAGE, NAME;" : ";"));
- }
- this.conn.stmt.nextRow();
- return eval(this.conn.stmt.getColumn("CONTENTS").value);
- }
- catch(e) { debugExcept(e); return false; }
- }
- }
- /* ADBC based annot store constructor
- */
- function ADBCAnnotStore(doc, user)
- {
- this.desc = CBgetTableDesc(doc, user);
- this.enumerate = function(sorted)
- {
- return new ADBCAnnotEnumerator(this, sorted);
- }
- this.complete = function(toComplete)
- {
- var i;
- var conn = CBconnect(this.desc,true);
- if (conn)
- {
- for(i = 0; toComplete && i < toComplete.length; i++)
- {
- if(CBannotdata[toComplete[i].type])
- {
- var e;
- try
- {
- conn.stmt.execute("select DATA from \"" + this.desc.tableName + "\" where PAGE = ? and NAME like ?;",
- toComplete[i].page, toComplete[i].name);
- conn.stmt.nextRow();
- var cos = Collab.newWrStreamToCosObj();
- conn.stmt.getColumn("DATA", ADBC.Binary | ADBC.Stream, cos);
- CBannotSetData(toComplete[i], cos.getCosObj());
- }
- catch(e) { debugExcept(e);}
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- this.update = function(toDelete, toAdd, toUpdate)
- {
- var i;
- var e;
- var conn = CBconnect(this.desc);
- for(i = 0; toDelete && i < toDelete.length; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- conn.stmt.execute("delete from \"" + this.desc.tableName + "\" where PAGE = ? and NAME like ?;",
- toDelete[i].page, toDelete[i].name);
- }
- catch(e) { debugExcept(e);}
- }
- for(i = 0; toAdd && i < toAdd.length; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- conn.stmt.execute("insert into \"" + this.desc.tableName + "\" (AUTHOR, PAGE, NAME, CONTENTS, DATA) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);",
- toAdd[i].author, toAdd[i].page, toAdd[i].name, toAdd[i].toSource(), CBannotData(toAdd[i]));
- }
- catch(e) { debugExcept(e);}
- }
- for(i = 0; toUpdate&& i < toUpdate.length; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- conn.stmt.execute("update \"" + this.desc.tableName + "\" set CONTENTS = ?, DATA = ? where PAGE = ? and NAME like ?;",
- toUpdate[i].toSource(), CBannotData(toUpdate[i]), toUpdate[i].page, toUpdate[i].name);
- }
- catch(e) { debugExcept(e);}
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- /* Munge an URL such that Web Discussions won't put our data in the discussions pane
- */
- function WDmungeURL(url)
- {
- return url + "/ACData";
- }
- /* Web discussions based annot enumerator constructor
- */
- function WDAnnotEnumerator(parent, sorted)
- {
- // console.println("WDAnnotEnumerator(): Begin");
- this.parent = parent;
- this.sorted = sorted;
- this.next = function()
- {
- // console.println("WDAnnotEnumerator.next(): Begin");
- if(!this.discussions)
- {
- // console.println("WDAnnotEnumerator.next(): get discussions "+WDmungeURL(this.parent.doc.URL));
- this.discussions = Discussions.getDiscussions(WDmungeURL(this.parent.doc.URL));
- app.thermometer.begin();
- app.thermometer.text = IDS_PROGRESS_FETCHING;
- if(this.discussions) // always sort as our completion callback relies on a sorted list
- {
- this.discussions = isort(this.discussions, IDS_PROGRESS_SORTING);
- app.thermometer.duration = this.discussions.length;
- }
- this.index = 0;
- }
- /* skip non-Acro discussions */
- while(this.discussions && this.index < this.discussions.length && this.discussions[this.index] == "[Discussion]")
- app.thermometer.value = this.index++;
- if(!this.discussions || this.index >= this.discussions.length)
- {
- app.thermometer.end();
- return false;
- }
- return eval(this.discussions[this.index++].Text);
- }
- }
- /* Web discussion based annot store constructor
- */
- function WDAnnotStore(doc, user)
- {
- // console.println("WDAnnotStore(): Begin");
- this.doc = doc;
- this.user = user;
- this.enumerate = function(sorted)
- {
- // console.println("WDAnnotStore.enumerate(): Begin");
- return new WDAnnotEnumerator(this, sorted);
- }
- this.complete = function(toComplete)
- {
- // console.show();
- // console.println("WDAnnotStore.toComplete(): Begin");
- var i,j;
- // console.println("get discussions for "+WDmungeURL(this.doc.URL));
- var discussions = Discussions.getDiscussions(WDmungeURL(this.doc.URL));
- if (discussions && discussions.length)
- {
- // sort them to perform fast searches
- // JS sort is a SLOW qsort... use our worst case N log ( N )
- discussions = isort(discussions, IDS_PROGRESS_SORTING);
- app.thermometer.begin();
- app.thermometer.text = IDS_PROGRESS_FETCHING_BIG;
- app.thermometer.duration = toComplete.length;
- for(i = 0, j = 0; discussions && (i < toComplete.length) && (j < discussions.length); app.thermometer.value = ++i)
- {
- //console.println("disussion " + i);
- // create a string that'll look like the corresponding discussion
- var discString = Discussions.makeDiscussionString(toComplete[i].page, toComplete[i].name);
- //console.println("Descriptive string \"" + discString + "\"");
- // keep skipping annots while they are "less" than the current one
- while(discString > discussions[j])
- j++;
- // if we found it
- if(discString == discussions[j])
- {
- //console.println("found it - Annot to Complete " + i + " is in discussion slot " + j);
- //console.println("subject "+discussions[j].Subject);
- /*
- ** We found the discussion, now gather replys which will
- ** contain the "data" for the stream
- */
- if (CBannotdata[toComplete[i].type])
- CBGetReplyChain(toComplete[i], discussions[j]);
- }
- }
- app.thermometer.end();
- }
- return true;
- }
- this.update = function(toDelete, toAdd, toUpdate)
- {
- // console.println("WDAnnotStore.update(): Begin");
- // get the list of discussions
- // console.println("WDAnnotStore.update(): get discussions "+WDmungeURL(this.doc.URL();
- var discussions = Discussions.getDiscussions(WDmungeURL(this.doc.URL));
- var i, j;
- // if we got any...
- if(discussions && discussions.length)
- {
- // console.println("WDAnnotStore.update(): got some " + discussions.length);
- // sort them to perform fast searches
- discussions = isort(discussions, IDS_PROGRESS_SORTING);
- // if we've got any to update
- if(toUpdate && toUpdate.length)
- {
- app.thermometer.begin();
- app.thermometer.text = IDS_PROGRESS_CHANGING;
- app.thermometer.duration = toUpdate.length;
- // console.println("WDAnnotStore.update(): updating " + toUpdate.length);
- for(i = 0, j = 0; i < toUpdate.length && j < discussions.length; app.thermometer.value = ++i)
- {
- // create a string that'll look like the corresponding discussion
- var discString = Discussions.makeDiscussionString(toUpdate[i].page, toUpdate[i].name);
- // keep skipping annots while they are "less" than the current one
- while(discString > discussions[j])
- j++;
- // if we found it
- if(discString == discussions[j])
- {
- // then update it!
- CBDeleteReplyChain(discussions[j]);
- discussions[j].Delete();
- var bookmark = Discussions.makeBookmark(toUpdate[i].page, toUpdate[i].name);
- discussions[j] = Discussions.addDiscussion(WDmungeURL(this.doc.URL), "Markup", toUpdate[i].toSource(), bookmark);
- CBPutReplyChain(discussions[j], bookmark, toUpdate[i]);
- j++;
- }
- }
- app.thermometer.end();
- }
- // delete is just like update
- if(toDelete && toDelete.length)
- {
- app.thermometer.begin();
- app.thermometer.text = IDS_PROGRESS_DELETING;
- app.thermometer.duration = toDelete.length;
- // console.println("WDAnnotStore.update(): deleting " + toDelete.length);
- for(i = 0, j = 0; i < toDelete.length && j < discussions.length; app.thermometer.value = ++i)
- {
- var discString = Discussions.makeDiscussionString(toDelete[i].page, toDelete[i].name);
- while(discString > discussions[j])
- j++;
- if(discString == discussions[j])
- {
- CBDeleteReplyChain(discussions[j]);
- discussions[j].Delete();
- j++;
- }
- }
- app.thermometer.end();
- }
- }
- if(toAdd && toAdd.length)
- {
- app.thermometer.begin();
- app.thermometer.text = IDS_PROGRESS_ADDING;
- app.thermometer.duration = toAdd.length;
- for(i = 0; toAdd && i < toAdd.length; app.thermometer.value = ++i)
- {
- var bookmark = Discussions.makeBookmark(toAdd[i].page, toAdd[i].name);
- /*
- console.println("WDAnnotStore.update(): adding " + toAdd.length);
- console.println("this.doc.URL \""+ WDmungeURL(this.doc.URL) + "\"");
- console.println("Markup");
- console.println("toAdd[i].toSource() \""+ toAdd[i].toSource() + "\"");
- console.println("bookmark \"" + bookmark + "\"");
- */
- var discussion = Discussions.addDiscussion(WDmungeURL(this.doc.URL), "Markup", toAdd[i].toSource(), bookmark);
- if (discussion && CBannotdata[toAdd[i].type])
- CBPutReplyChain(discussion, bookmark, toAdd[i]);
- }
- app.thermometer.end();
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- /* Set up default annot stores */
- Collab.addAnnotStore("NONE", IDS_STORE_NONE,
- {create: function(doc, user, settings){ return null; }});
- Collab.setStoreNoSettings("NONE", true);
- if(typeof Discussions != "undefined")
- {
- Collab.addAnnotStore("WD", IDS_STORE_WEB_DISCUSSIONS,
- {create: function(doc, user, settings){ return new WDAnnotStore(doc, user); }});
- Collab.setStoreNoSettings("WD", true);
- }
- if(typeof ADBC != "undefined")
- Collab.addAnnotStore("DB", IDS_STORE_DATABASE,
- {create: function(doc, user, settings){ doc.collabDBRoot = settings; doc.collabDBFlags = CBFNiceTableName; return (settings && settings != "") ? new ADBCAnnotStore(doc, user) : null; }});
- Collab.addAnnotStore("DAVFDF", IDS_STORE_DAVFDF,
- {create: function(doc, user, settings){ return (settings && settings != "") ? new FSAnnotStore(doc, user, settings + doc.Collab.docID + "/", "CHTTP") : null; }});
- Collab.addAnnotStore("FSFDF", IDS_STORE_FSFDF,
- {create: function(doc, user, settings){ return (settings && settings != "") ? new FSAnnotStore(doc, user, settings + doc.Collab.docID + "/") : null; }});
- Collab.setStoreFSBased("FSFDF", true);
- // Web Discussion data block size
- Collab.wdBlockSize = 16384;
- }
- function CBdef(a, b)
- {
- return typeof a == "undefined" ? b : a;
- }
- function Matrix2D(a, b, c, d, h, v)
- {
- this.a = CBdef(a, 1);
- this.b = CBdef(b, 0);
- this.c = CBdef(c, 0);
- this.d = CBdef(d, 1);
- this.h = CBdef(h, 0);
- this.v = CBdef(v, 0);
- this.fromRotated = function(doc, page)
- {
- page = CBdef(page, 0);
- var cropBox = doc.getPageBox("Crop", page);
- var mediaBox = doc.getPageBox("Media", page);
- var mbHeight = mediaBox[1] - mediaBox[3];
- var mbWidth = mediaBox[2] - mediaBox[0];
- var rotation = doc.getPageRotation(page);
- var m = new Matrix2D(1, 0, 0, 1, cropBox[0] - mediaBox[0], cropBox[3] - mediaBox[3]);
- if(rotation == 90)
- return this.concat(m.rotate(Math.asin(1.0)).translate(mbHeight, 0));
- else if(rotation == 180)
- return this.concat(m.rotate(2.0 * -Math.asin(1.0)).translate(mbWidth, mbHeight));
- else if(rotation == 270)
- return this.concat(m.rotate(-Math.asin(1.0)).translate(0, mbWidth));
- return this.concat(m);
- }
- this.transform = function(pts)
- {
- var result = new Array(pts.length);
- if(typeof pts[0] == "object")
- for(var n = 0; n < pts.length; n++)
- result[n] = this.transform(pts[n]);
- else
- for(var n = 0; n + 1 < pts.length; n += 2)
- {
- result[n] = this.a * pts[n] + this.c * pts[n + 1] + this.h;
- result[n + 1] = this.b * pts[n] + this.d * pts[n + 1] + this.v;
- }
- return result;
- }
- this.concat = function(m)
- {
- return new Matrix2D(
- (this.a * m.a) + (this.b * m.c),
- (this.a * m.b) + (this.b * m.d),
- (this.c * m.a) + (this.d * m.c),
- (this.c * m.b) + (this.d * m.d),
- (this.h * m.a) + (this.v * m.c) + m.h,
- (this.h * m.b) + (this.v * m.d) + m.v);
- }
- this.invert = function()
- {
- var result = new Matrix2D;
- var q = this.b * this.c - this.a * this.d;
- if (q)
- {
- result.a = - this.d / q;
- result.b = this.b / q;
- result.c = this.c / q;
- result.d = - this.a / q;
- result.h = -(this.h * result.a + this.v * result.c);
- result.v = -(this.h * result.b + this.v * result.d);
- }
- return result;
- }
- this.translate = function(dx, dy)
- {
- return this.concat(new Matrix2D(1, 0, 0, 1, CBdef(dx, 0), CBdef(dy, 0)));
- }
- this.scale = function(sx, sy)
- {
- return this.concat(new Matrix2D(CBdef(sx, 1), 0, 0, CBdef(sy, 1), 0, 0));
- }
- this.rotate = function(t)
- {
- t = CBdef(t, 0);
- return this.concat(new Matrix2D(Math.cos(t), Math.sin(t), -Math.sin(t), Math.cos(t), 0, 0));
- }
- }